Sunday, August 6, 2017

First of Many Firsts Together

There are plenty of beautiful places here on earth and I've had the opportunity to visit the immaculate state of Michigan, twice. For the second time this summer we visited Traverse City, Michigan. Hands down, one of the best trips of my life. Drew asked me to marry him, and I said YES!! And of course cried like a little baby.

Through this journey of Michigan we fished, laughed, drank very good craft beer, swam, talked, walked miles and miles, shopped, drank more beer and just enjoyed our surroundings. We loved pretty much everything that Michigan had to offer and I will never forget this trip---EVER! I would recommend a Michigan trip to anyone I talk to and I look forward to going back.

I had this crazy, stupid idea to go on this sail boat in Michigan because why not? I've always had a thing for nautical things and I've never been on one so I thought it would be great. In my head I was thinking "Drew would never do this with me, why even ask?" but I did. SURPRISINGLY he loved the idea. I tried talking him out of it probably six or seven times but he was pretty adamant on going on this sailboat. I wasn't going to complain. Deep down I was totally fan girl-ing.

I kind of dropped the subject of going on this sailboat trip and the day after we arrived Drew brought it back up. Of course I wanted to go but I kept saying "No, we don't have to go." Ten minutes later, we had our tickets for that evening's sunset cruise. Why did we pass up the booze cruise? I'm not sure either. It turned out to be a booze cruise as well and I really felt it the next day. 

We really enjoyed our time on the boat and met a bunch of new people. The couple next to us were from Cleveland, Ohio and had their own sandwich shop. They were a ton of fun! There was a couple in the nets in front of us. I don't remember their names or where they were from, just remember them getting in trouble for bringing a bottle of wine on the boat. Ooops! (They still were able to drink the rest of it, no worries.) Drew and I took in the waves, people, stories, and scenery and just really enjoyed ourselves. We sat and talked about how chilly it was getting and how Drew was shivering. Or so he said he was cold. 

He got up from his seat to walk around, get warm and get more cat nip (the deadliest drink on the planet). I then turned around to find him kneeling down on one knee to ask me to spend forever with him. First thing that came out of my mouth was "Is this real life?" I'm a romantic. I of course said yes after the fact and I could not stop crying. I could not fathom that I was about to have the opportunity to marry the man I've spent 1/3 of my life with.

I could not have been happier and I still am to this day. I always look down and stare at the ring like "Damn, he did good!" (I did give him ideas, but he still picked an amazing one.)

We were told we were going to the bar afterward with the couple next to us. We did. We ran into another couple and they said they were going to buy us a celebratory shot and drink. They did. We talked to them for a long time, even closed down the bar with them. There are some amazing people in the world. I was truly blessed to have these kind-hearted people to celebrate strangers getting engaged and to take such great pictures of the beautiful moment we had together.

The rest of the week I pretty much lived on cloud nine and took in every moment I could possible because I was the luckiest girl in the world. 

We were able to go back to Empire Beach, a place where we stayed last year. This was one of my favorite parts of the trip because it reminds me of the ocean. The waves, sand between my toes, tan lines (burn lines), cold beer and good company. 

We visited a couple breweries. The food and beer down there is really good. We tried some cherry beer. GROSS! Drew liked it, I did not. Cherry brats, those were alright. Again, Drew liked them, I didn't care for them. More firsts though. I will pretty much try anything. We shopped for a couple hours and spent way too much money, of course. We don't have self control. 

We had a blast the entire week and I wish we could go back now. We leave in nineteen days to go to Gulf Shores, Alabama and I could be any more excited. 1. I haven't been down there in about four years, I need my ocean fix. and 2. This is where we will be getting married next fall. I look forward to many more firsts, adventures and rides with my FINACÉ.

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